The blog of the Doctors from Madurai Medical College - 1973 Batch-mates

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Teaching Fraternities' opinions - 1978 Magazine

Here we continue appreciation of our 1978 College Magazine and its contents. Read here the opinions on Medical education, Medical profession and ragging that were shared in the magazine by then teaching fraternities.

Dr.Vembar, Professor of Pharmocology, on Medical examinations:
"The oral is a complimentary to the written examination and the student can improve and improvise on his written performance. The internal examiner acts as a coordinator. And as the medical student has his orals from his first year he must get used to it psychologically and must be free from any fear for it. ....
The present day examinations are more a test for memory and not for knowledge. The best thing again is to opt for an internal assessment based on a series of objective written performance of a candidate during the course"
          - from 'Know an Examiner' of the magazine.

Dr.K.Balakrishnan, Professor of Surgery, advises PGs:
'.....What is required for a surgical degree is not extra intelligence but a steady constant work. It requires application and that knowledge only put me in good stead'
         - from 'A SURGEON'S POINT OF VIEW' of the magazine.

Dr.Vijayaraghavan, S.P.M. Professor, on profession:
"... One thing is that I don't like private practice. I don't like putting up a clinic, waiting for the patients, and talking to satisfy them, collecting money from them and all those things. Another thing is the preventive aspect; implementation of various national health programmes for the good of the public is more interesting to me. So, I opted myself for the public health side."
          - from 'The S.P.M. Professor talks...' of the magazine.

Dr.N.Krishnamoorthy, Ophthalmologist, on ragging:
'.... Ragging is the best way the juniors can be introduced into the new environment. "They may not be knowing what is happening outside" It happened in our batch. One of the freshers fell ill and only a senior student who ragged him the previous day took him to the hospital in the dead of night, brought him by cycle - rickshaw spending his own money.'
        - from 'KALVIGURU & KAMAGURU ......' of the magazine.

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